Sunday, November 7, 2010

August Message

Dearest Sisters,

Change is inevitable; sometimes the changes in our lives are welcome and bring us joy. Other times they are unexpected and catch us off guard and cause us frustration, grief and even pain. Some people say that change is the only constant in our lives. While it is true that change is constant, there is another constant in our lives. This is the love of our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They are there for us in our joys and in our sorrows.

As I reflect on my life, there have been many things that have turned out different than I had planned or expected. In May of 2007 our family was living in Colorado; my husband was sick and unemployed due to those health related issues. My oldest son had decided to join the Air Force after his fist year of college. I found no end to our difficult times. Even though I couldn’t see the end, with the help of my youngest son’s unwavering faith and wonderful visiting teachers, I could still feel my Savior’s love.

By mid June 2007, our family unexpectedly moved to Vancouver, WA to help with the family business. In three short and blessed years my husband is working, my oldest son is faithfully serving a mission, and my youngest son is preparing to serve. It is easy to feel our Savior’s love through the many changes that bring us joy. It can be more challenging when our changes are difficult or disrupt our lives. I encourage each of us to strive to feel our Savior’s love in all the changes of our lives, especially when they seem more than we can bear.

Sisters I love each of you, and thank you for strengthening me and helping me to feel my Savior’s love through the changes that happen in my life.

With love,
Sister Shari Aschieris

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