Sunday, November 7, 2010

September Message

Dearest Sisters,

Last week in Evening Relief Society we were wonderfully taught to “FIND JOY IN CHANGE”. I sat back and thoroughly enjoyed Sister Shirley and her recently returned missionary son Madsen describe the benefits of being flexible to change in our lives. Little did I know of the change that was soon to occur in my own life? Service in Relief Society can be a life changing challenge and I hope and pray that I am capable of that challenge as I learn the duties of Relief Society President.

Sisters Hadfield, Aschieris, Stevenson and Fowler have been tireless in providing a wonderful and spirit filled program for us. Our hearts wish them well in new callings. My great desire is that we can continue the Lord’s plan for the sisters and reach out to all of you. First we must become acquainted and I hope that soon we will.

How blessed we are to have the Gospel in our lives and be led by priesthood leaders that carry out the Lord’s plan for our Heavenly Fathers children. As we listen to their counsel, we come to realize that in following the principles of Provident Living and staying close to the Lord, we are a happier people and the stresses of life in a changing world are less frightening. Perhaps now is the time to be seriously practicing what we hear from our leaders – enjoy the benefits of paying a full tithing, avoid unnecessary debt, set aside some food, use resources wisely. How often did we hear from President Hinckley the counsel to “Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.” A tidy, well kept cottage can be more comfortable than a mansion full of worldly goods bought on credit.

A favorite story from the scriptures is of Joseph in Egypt. Because of his obedience to righteous principles, he was blessed by the Lord in devising a plan of provident management for the survival of the people of Egypt during a great seven year famine. In doing so, he won the favor of the Pharaoh and was granted permission to bring his family, the House of Israel into Egypt and they were saved from the famine.

With faith in the Lord’s promises, we can take joy in following our leaders counsel. President Monson reminds us that “The future is as bright as your faith.” May we all exercise great faith in following our leaders and realize the blessings of provident living.

With great love,
Zelma Christensen

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