Thursday, January 28, 2010

Premade Family Home Evening Lessons for 2010

If Mondays seem to fly by faster that you think they should, check out these websites for FHE lessons. Each site offers 52 lessons for 2010. What a great way to have a thought-out lesson when Monday nights come too fast.


Live Like You Believe

Friday, January 1, 2010

January's Message

2010 is now upon us! Happy New Year!! Always with a new year comes the opportunity to set new goals and reach new heights. This year our Relief Society will focus be on "Finding Joy in the journey." In 2 Nephi 2:25, Nephi teaches us that, "Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy." This is our quest. Notice that it doesn't say, we will have joy but that we might have joy. It becomes our responsibility to find joy and live in such a way that joy can be ours.

Every month in 2010 we will focus on "finding joy" in different life/gospel aspects. Our focus this month will be finding joy in the watchcare of the Lord. This can be applied in many ways. Our main focus will be on our role as visiting teachers - literally the program in place for watching over the Lord's women. It is a huge responsibility. We are His hands here and now and what we do or do not do will weigh in heavily when we stand before the Lord on judgment day.

Take some time this month to either commit yourself more fully to visiting teaching or to strengthen your testimony in the visiting teaching program - maybe both. I mentioned earlier that the new year brings opportunities for goals and resolution. May I submit that this year in 2010 - we commit ourselves and resolve to be the best visiting teachers we can be. When we realize who we represent as we seek out, visit, help and love the sisters we've been given stewardship over - our resolve to more fully apply ourselves in the Lord's watchcare will be a joy and bring much joy to our lives. "The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach." - Benjamin Mays

Thanks so much for all that you do. You are loved, appreciated, and admired. May this be a wonderful year filled with much JOY.

Jennifer Hadfield