Sunday, November 7, 2010

November Message

I love fall! I love the change in the air, the brilliant colors of the leaves falling from the trees! I love it when the clouds break apart after a rain, and there’s that beautiful blue in the sky that you only see in the season of fall! It seems to me a more brilliant blue, which coordinates so beautifully with the whites and grays in the clouds, and the yellows, oranges, reds, golds, browns, and greens of fall! This time of year always is a significant time of change for me. Summer is over, school has begun, the holidays are just around the corner, and another year is winding down to a close. It signals to me that a new routine is needed to get into the swing of the things of life.

I don’t know about you, but I have felt overwhelmed by all the changes in the ward in the past few months! As I think about the “new 3rd Ward”, I can’t help but compare it to this time of year! This “new ward” is like the arrival of the fall season! It is here! The “old ward” is gone away! It was beautiful, and it had its time and season. Now we are in a “new season”, full of beautiful color and bursting with possibility! It is a significant change and a needed change! And most of all we are so blessed to be a part of this wonderful change!

I pray that each one of you sisters would recognize that you are a significant part of this beautiful ward Relief Society, no matter where you serve and no matter what your circumstances! Each one of you is one of those brilliant “colors of fall”, which coordinate so beautifully together! We are not strangers! Recognize that each of you are daughters of our Heavenly Father and you love him! We are sisters in Zion, sisters in the gospel, beautiful Relief Society sisters, and friends, belonging to an inspired and powerful organization of unity, compassionate care-giving, and love!

We can strengthen ourselves individually and as a “new ward” family through these beautiful principles. We can do this with a phone call, a visit, a smile and “hello” on Sunday or wherever you are, or just simply introducing yourself to or sitting by someone new. Think about your visiting teaching “sister friends”, and ask Heavenly Father how you can get to know them better, and serve them more fully. Even though we all appreciate a plate of treats or a meal (and I do!), be willing to pray and be sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit, and then go outside yourselves and your normal routine, and follow the Savior’s example:

“‘Come Follow Me’, the Savior said,
Then let us in his footsteps tread.
For thus alone can we be one,
With God’s own loved Begotten Son”. (Hymn #116 – Matt 22: 36-40)

He did not give one pat answer or a loaf of bread on every occasion, but he did give the kind of service that precisely fit the needs of those he so sensitively perceived. “If the people had a physical need he fed them. Sometimes he healed them or calmed a storm. If they had an emotional need that was crying out, he listened or taught a principle. He prayed with them, and sometimes wept with them.” (Lori Boyer, Compassionate Service: With or Without a Casserole”, Jan Ensign 1985)

Please know we are here for each of you. Please reach out and be there for each other, for that is the great work of our Father in Heaven and inspiration of Relief Society. Please know that you are a special daughter of our Heavenly Father, with unique spiritual gifts that will help you grow in your testimony and help you to strengthen the testimonies of those around you! We love you, we are praying for you, and we appreciate all that you do!

With love, Sister Robbyn England

October message

Dearest Sisters,

Children In primary learn a beautiful song entitled, “I Love to See Temple.” The words are:

I love to see the Temple. I’m going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God, A place of love and Beauty.
I’ll prepare myself while I am young; this is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple. I’ll go inside some day.
I’ll covenant with my Father; I’ll promise to obey.
For the temple is a holy place, where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth: A family is forever.

As a children of God, many of us have been to the Lord’s temple. We have seen the love and beauty that abounds in our temples. We have made those sacred covenants with our Heavenly father and we have been sealed together with our families forever. How blessed we are to live in the time when the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth and temples now dot the entire earth.

As a new temple worker , I look forward to each Wednesday when I know Blaine and I will be working and serving in the Portland temple. I love to see all the patrons as they come to serve that day in the temple of the Lord, and to “covenant with their Father and obey.” How blessed we are to have a temple within 25 minutes of our homes.

As the song says,” we prepare ourselves, to go inside one day”. It is my prayer that each of us, as children of our Heavenly Father, will make a commitment in going to the temple often; whether it be to visit the grounds and study and pray with our families, to do baptisms for the dead, to take out our endowments, to do endowment work for the dead, or to be sealed with our families forever. May we all share in the “JOY OF THE TEMPLE.”

With great love,
Sister Judy Stevenson

September Message

Dearest Sisters,

Last week in Evening Relief Society we were wonderfully taught to “FIND JOY IN CHANGE”. I sat back and thoroughly enjoyed Sister Shirley and her recently returned missionary son Madsen describe the benefits of being flexible to change in our lives. Little did I know of the change that was soon to occur in my own life? Service in Relief Society can be a life changing challenge and I hope and pray that I am capable of that challenge as I learn the duties of Relief Society President.

Sisters Hadfield, Aschieris, Stevenson and Fowler have been tireless in providing a wonderful and spirit filled program for us. Our hearts wish them well in new callings. My great desire is that we can continue the Lord’s plan for the sisters and reach out to all of you. First we must become acquainted and I hope that soon we will.

How blessed we are to have the Gospel in our lives and be led by priesthood leaders that carry out the Lord’s plan for our Heavenly Fathers children. As we listen to their counsel, we come to realize that in following the principles of Provident Living and staying close to the Lord, we are a happier people and the stresses of life in a changing world are less frightening. Perhaps now is the time to be seriously practicing what we hear from our leaders – enjoy the benefits of paying a full tithing, avoid unnecessary debt, set aside some food, use resources wisely. How often did we hear from President Hinckley the counsel to “Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.” A tidy, well kept cottage can be more comfortable than a mansion full of worldly goods bought on credit.

A favorite story from the scriptures is of Joseph in Egypt. Because of his obedience to righteous principles, he was blessed by the Lord in devising a plan of provident management for the survival of the people of Egypt during a great seven year famine. In doing so, he won the favor of the Pharaoh and was granted permission to bring his family, the House of Israel into Egypt and they were saved from the famine.

With faith in the Lord’s promises, we can take joy in following our leaders counsel. President Monson reminds us that “The future is as bright as your faith.” May we all exercise great faith in following our leaders and realize the blessings of provident living.

With great love,
Zelma Christensen

August Message

Dearest Sisters,

Change is inevitable; sometimes the changes in our lives are welcome and bring us joy. Other times they are unexpected and catch us off guard and cause us frustration, grief and even pain. Some people say that change is the only constant in our lives. While it is true that change is constant, there is another constant in our lives. This is the love of our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They are there for us in our joys and in our sorrows.

As I reflect on my life, there have been many things that have turned out different than I had planned or expected. In May of 2007 our family was living in Colorado; my husband was sick and unemployed due to those health related issues. My oldest son had decided to join the Air Force after his fist year of college. I found no end to our difficult times. Even though I couldn’t see the end, with the help of my youngest son’s unwavering faith and wonderful visiting teachers, I could still feel my Savior’s love.

By mid June 2007, our family unexpectedly moved to Vancouver, WA to help with the family business. In three short and blessed years my husband is working, my oldest son is faithfully serving a mission, and my youngest son is preparing to serve. It is easy to feel our Savior’s love through the many changes that bring us joy. It can be more challenging when our changes are difficult or disrupt our lives. I encourage each of us to strive to feel our Savior’s love in all the changes of our lives, especially when they seem more than we can bear.

Sisters I love each of you, and thank you for strengthening me and helping me to feel my Savior’s love through the changes that happen in my life.

With love,
Sister Shari Aschieris

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July Message

Dearest Sisters,

“For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands….”
Ether 2:10

July is one of my favorite times of the year. I love to celebrate the freedom we have here in America…the Land of the Free. I love decorating my home for the 4th of July….I love singing the beautiful patriotic songs….I love to display the flag…I love the colors red, white and blue….I love being an American an the freedoms that we enjoy!

Today, there are many Americans who do not have a strong patriotic love for our country. It is now more important than ever, to teach our children to have a love and respect for America. Listed below are some ways we can teach our children about the freedom we enjoy:

1. Display the flag on all the patriotic holidays and if preferred all the time.
2. Explain the meaning of our flag and our Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Sing patriotic songs often…especially during the holidays.
4. Share stories of those who help found the United States of America.
5. Attend the Veteran’s Day Parade, Fourth of July Parades, and the 24th of July parade when in Utah.
6. Send Patriotic e-mails to family members
7. Enjoy with your family the beautiful fireworks and program given each year here in Vancouver.
8. When on vacation, visit some of the historical sites in America.
9. When saying your family prayers, remember to say “thank you” for the country that we live in and the freedom that we have.
10. Periodically have family home evenings on our country and our freedom.

No matter what time of the year it is, we should always cherish our freedom. The Lord prepared this land for us, a land where we can be free. Elder Richard G. Scott was quoted as saying (from a Vancouver Stake Freedom Fireside), “Freedom is perishable. It requires no effort to enjoy freedom, but it requires heroic measures to preserve it. It can be lost through ingratitude, selfishness, and violation of the laws of God. It can only be maintained through sacrifice, appreciation and humble recognition that freedom in this land was established and has been preserved by the Lord for His righteous purposes.”

May we all learn more this month as we “find joy freedom and choice” this month in Relief Society.

Sincerely, Judy Stevenson

Monday, June 14, 2010

72 Hour Family Emergency Kit Checklist

How long has it been since you've rotated your 72 hour kits? Here is a pretty good list to start with if you haven't even started -

Monday, May 31, 2010

This Is Visiting Teaching

June Message

Dearest Sisters,
While the reorganization was due to come, it still brings its fair share of challenges. President Monson said, “One of the most inevitable aspects of our lives here upon the earth is change. At one time or another we‟ve all heard some form of the familiar adage: „Nothing is as constant as change.‟ Throughout our lives, we must deal with change. Some changes are welcome; some are not. There are changes in our lives which are sudden, but most of the changes take place subtly and slowly.”

2010 hasn‟t been the best year for our family. As most of you know, my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in January. His treatment plan has been broken down into two regimens. The first consisted of twenty chemo infusions given M-F for one month. We got through that, although the side effects have taken a toll on my sweet husband. We are now in the second regimen of treatment, 48 weeks of injections administered three times a week. 48 weeks x 3 injections per week = 144 injections. Each injection is two needle pokes, that 288 shots, for the next year. Even with all the terrible side effects, we are thankful for the opportunity to have a treatment plan in place, no matter how he will feel during treatment. We have just lowered our expectation of what a good day is. We now just say, “This is the new good.”

Stresses in our lives come regardless of our circumstances. We must deal with them the best we can. But we should not let them get in the way of what is most important. Sisters, you are important. You are an important part of the Lord‟s plan and the purpose of Relief Society.

Visiting Teaching is a work of encouragement and love; where you build caring relationships with each sister and offer support, comfort, and friendship. It is amazing how many people we can convert with love and inspire with love. We are “to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite … to come unto Christ.” (D&C 20:59.)

Change has personally come into our lives. We didn‟t intentionally choose this as the path to walk, it chose us. However, we have been able to find strength in this journey. We have been blessed with wonderful gestures of service from family, ward members, visiting teachers as well as from friends in the community.

As we adjust to the changes that will continue in third ward, I hope we will all do so with a positive attitude. We are all members of Relief Society, and the sacred work of visiting teaching is very core of it. I hope that all of you will embrace these changes, and refer to them as „the new good.‟

Sincerely, Cheryl Fowler

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day - May Message

Happy Mother's Day!! You are beautiful and I so love you. A few thoughts have occurred to me this week as I've contemplated being a mother ...
being a mother doesn't necessarily mean that you have children of your own. Kaitlin's sweet bus driver has never been able to have children. It is one of the things she has wanted most. She is a beautiful example of motherhood to me as she so gently, kindly and lovingly looks after the special kiddos on her bus. She is genuine and treats them with such love and respect. She has a "mother heart". Every woman that embraces her divine role as a nurturer will be a mother, regardless of bearing her own children. I am thankful for women in my life and the lives of my children who reach out in love and genuine interest in helping to raise this royal generation of youth.

Another thought ... anyone who says that being a mom isn't hard work has never been one. I think that being a mom has been the hardest thing I have ever done or ever will do. I have had the greatest ups and well as the greatest downs in my mothering. IT IS ALL WORTH IT as I contemplate and try to keep the eternal nature of my calling as a mother in Zion in perspective. Nothing I do will matter if I fail in the raising of my kids and returning them to their Father in Heaven. There are days I struggle wanting to do it all - yes, ladies we wear many hats - don't we?? Yet, the most important thing we do is done within the walls of our own homes with those who matter the most to us. A wise woman recently said to her teenage son, "Don't make me choose between being your friend or your parent because I will always choose parent." Let us remember sisters that it is our responsibility first and foremost to be our kids "mom" and as we do this friendships will happen, our kids will respect us more and there will be love at home. Parent first, friend second. Something to ponder.

Last thought, in our quest to return our kids to their Father in Heaven, we need to make sure we are teaching the gospel in our homes, literally and by example. The most important "investigators" we have are within the walls of our own home. We must be diligent every day in our reading of the scriptures - individually and as a family, praying - individually and as a family, serving others in and out of our home, keeping the covenants we've made at baptism and in the temple, keeping the commandments, and standing as an example of Jesus Christ - whose name we bear. As we do these things, our children will say of us as the stripling warriors said of their mothers, "We do not doubt our mothers knew it. " ( Alma 56:48) They had been taught by their mothers and had firm testimonies in God and Jesus Christ that if they relied on that faith and didn't doubt that they would be delivered. They were delivered - and our children will be "delivered" as well - IF WE DO ALL THAT WE CAN to instill in them faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in their Heavenly Father. We must help them build a firm foundation ... "upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God ... that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, WHY??? ... because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12)

More than anything else as a mother, I want for my kids to be safe and protected - to be strong in their convictions and firm in their faith. It is my prayer that each of us would rise to the occasion and be the mother the Lord wants and knows we can be. We cannot be lax in our quest ... if we want to win we must press forward, clinging to the knowledge we have and the faith we have built and lean on the Lord in all that we say and do. Being a mom is work - the best and most fulfilling work we do. I love you and support each of you. I am here for you and am with you in the charge to do all we can for those within our own homes or those for whom we have stewardship over. Nurture your "mother heart" and the Lord will be with you in this most important work. I love the work of the Lord ...

Jennifer Hadfield

Super Saturday

Super Saturday is coming Saturday May 15th. Contact Judy for order forms, and place your orders by May 10th. This will be a fun afternoon with your sisters.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stake Relief Society Meeting for Sisters 50 and Older

The next quarterly Stake Relief Society meeting for sisters 50 and older is Wednesday, April 28th, 10:30 a.m. at the Hazel Dell building. Our topic is "The Spirit of Elijah" and we will have a lovely luncheon, a sharing table, and humanitarian projects.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

March Visiting Teaching Handout

2010 General Conference Packets

Conference is just around the corner yea! Here is great link to some cute activity packets for kiddos to complete while watching General Conference. Print the pages for your own family, or send the link to your kids for your grandkids.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

"We are created in the image of our heavenly parents; we are God's spirit children. Therefore, we have a vast capacity for love—it is part of our spiritual heritage. What and how we love not only defines us as individuals; it also defines us as a church. Love is the defining characteristic of a disciple of Christ." - D...ieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Love of God," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 22See More

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February Message

Dear Sisters,

As I was reflecting on our visiting teaching conference messages, I am so grateful to be a visiting teacher. I am also thankful for visiting teachers who take the time to come and visit with me. Even though schedules can sometimes be difficult to arrange, when something is important you make time for it.

I recently came across a quote from Bonnie D. Parkin that I liked. It says, "We are Visiting Teachers because we've made covenants with the Lord, and they are fulfilled as we share our hearts and our souls. Visiting teaching is all about family. As we show charity to those we serve, we become family by affection. We all belong to the Lord's family and when we serve sisters, and through them their families, we strengthen the family as designed in the heavens."

This leads us into February where we are focusing on marriages and families. There are so many forces out there to destroy the family that we need to concentrate on keeping our families whole and safeguarded from the world. Elder Bednar said, “We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ." I especially like the phrase, "More diligent and concerned at home." Our homes are the one place where we can control what is coming in and where we can make the most difference in our family's lives.

It is my prayer that we all focus on keeping our houses in order (D&C 88:119) and unspotted from the worldly influences that can pervade our daily lives.

Lacee Lemmon

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Premade Family Home Evening Lessons for 2010

If Mondays seem to fly by faster that you think they should, check out these websites for FHE lessons. Each site offers 52 lessons for 2010. What a great way to have a thought-out lesson when Monday nights come too fast.


Live Like You Believe

Friday, January 1, 2010

January's Message

2010 is now upon us! Happy New Year!! Always with a new year comes the opportunity to set new goals and reach new heights. This year our Relief Society will focus be on "Finding Joy in the journey." In 2 Nephi 2:25, Nephi teaches us that, "Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy." This is our quest. Notice that it doesn't say, we will have joy but that we might have joy. It becomes our responsibility to find joy and live in such a way that joy can be ours.

Every month in 2010 we will focus on "finding joy" in different life/gospel aspects. Our focus this month will be finding joy in the watchcare of the Lord. This can be applied in many ways. Our main focus will be on our role as visiting teachers - literally the program in place for watching over the Lord's women. It is a huge responsibility. We are His hands here and now and what we do or do not do will weigh in heavily when we stand before the Lord on judgment day.

Take some time this month to either commit yourself more fully to visiting teaching or to strengthen your testimony in the visiting teaching program - maybe both. I mentioned earlier that the new year brings opportunities for goals and resolution. May I submit that this year in 2010 - we commit ourselves and resolve to be the best visiting teachers we can be. When we realize who we represent as we seek out, visit, help and love the sisters we've been given stewardship over - our resolve to more fully apply ourselves in the Lord's watchcare will be a joy and bring much joy to our lives. "The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach." - Benjamin Mays

Thanks so much for all that you do. You are loved, appreciated, and admired. May this be a wonderful year filled with much JOY.

Jennifer Hadfield